Sustainability nowadays isn't only related to the environment but also to people's work/life balance and their relationship with technology.
(capitalism tends to build an unsustanable world)
- We live in a world where 26 people earn as much as 50% of world population (3.5 mld of people, year 2019)
- Capitalism tends to build an unsustainable world and spread social irresponsability (J.M. Keynes, E. F. Schumacher)
- Relativism of values let inequality grow (J. Ratzinger)
(technology risks to alienate people)
- Technology makes humans obsolete (G. Anders)
- When we are in cyberspace we are separated from our body as under ketamine drug (W. Gibson, M. Manetas)
- Citizens are inside data capitalist pyramids that they are enriching
- The essence of technology is by no means anything technological but a way of revealing (M. Heidegger)
(technology risks to be unmasterable and untrustable)
- Virtual entities always change, they can be automatically changed and converted/translated (Lev Manovich, New Media Principles)
- Software can only be certified for what's been tested (Dijkstra thesis)
- Software is a chaotic system and it can shift to an apparent nondeterminism if any of the many environment/use variables change
- System development process is an unpredictable and complicated process that can only roughly be described as an overall progession (Jeff Sutherland)
- AI blindspots: nowadays is needed a "Digital Ethics Council" (Gerd Leonhard)
It can be useful to:
(promote values, equality, sustainability)
- 1. promote, in Europe, christian common roots as a standard of values
- 2. promote Keynes state interventions
- 3. promote downshifting, work/life balance and culture
- 4. promote sustainable and socially responsable choices in everyday life
(promote digital sustainability)
- 5. promote technology as a leverage to reach sustainable goals in real life and not to replace it
- 6. promote standards that imply simplicity and self explanation in technology
- 7. promote usability, accessibility, people's data protection and digital equality
(U. Galimberti)
Technology is the ultimate aim of Science.
It's about getting the maximum goals with the minimum resources.
Nowadays technology is no more a tool but it's the only way of being.
Efficiency is the new value, that's why morality is out of concern in our societies.
This technical society started with Plato through his Methaphisic and Ideas. Since that all the western thought has been
aimed to dominate nature instead of living beside it.
This is not working anymore, cause resources are ending and the western mind has become just a calculating mind, but men are much more than calcolus.
To get out of this path to nowhere Heidegger suggests to use new not calculating languages (poetry, art, music, eastern philosophies, following the
rythms of nature, sustainability and ecological paths, spirituality etc.) avoiding the old values of continuos growth and efficiency.