It's awareness in interacting with the digital world seeking to obtain the maximum benefit by totally preserving personal health.
Workflow: observe and evaluate, then design, then state an action plan, then just transcode the plan
Note: even if it's done within a large company or a third party cloud platform, digital work is always a property of yours streamed by the power of your mind. You are the real owner of the business, so please always act as an owner.
Never let a job invade your life. Make it be just "a part" of your day, week, month, year.
To do it you can use the pond metaphor: if work is strictly limited in hours it becomes as water inside a pond in the forest from which it can't go anywhere longer. Instead you can, and the forest is big.
What keeps people chained to bad work habits doing long hours is often the fear of a suddenly happening catastrofe. To avoid it I suggest you to already mentally project yourself inside a disaster and train to feel confortable.